Samsung recently launched its new Samsung LED TV (light emitting diode) series in India. It is one of its kind in India. Samsung has always been the front runner in electronic items all over the world. Samsung LED TV use light emitting diodes (LED) instead of the standard fluorescent lamps to create a brighter and crisper image on a flat panel television. LED TVs allow the manufacturer to build thinner housings making current LED TVs available in the market less than two inches thick.
“This year, Samsung will introduce a full line up of LED TVs that achieve mega-contrast ratios,” Samsung India Deputy Managing Director R Zutshi said.
LED TV use low electricity, contain no mercury and are made of environment-friendly products. It is based on a new technology, which uses LED (light emitting diodes) in the panels as against LCD TVs, which uses normal liquid crystal display technology. Samsung has also launched some new models in their LCD TV and Plasma TV range.
LED TVs are more environmentally friendly than LCD and plasma TVs, they use much less power and use no mercury in their manufacture. LED TVs are more efficient compared to LCD TVs. Samsung introduced three series of LED edge-lit televisions and is currently the only manufacturer in the market. Sony used LED backlighting for their Bravia XBR8 series and created an edge-lit LED monitor. Vizio has announced an 55" LED back-lit TV w/240 Hz refresh rate for its XVT (Xtreme Vizio Technology) flagship series of TVs. It is scheduled to be released in June, 2009. LG has also LED back-lit TV w/240 Hz refresh rate.
Following is the specification:
1.) Actual Width of the LED TV is 2.99 cm
2.) 100 Hz Motion plus
3.) crystal design (instead of “Touch of color” that is used in US.)
4.) Samsung WS1* Sound Bar Surround System
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