Mindset is set : (

Yesterday, my mother had an appointment with the doctor regarding regular check-up and I decided to accompany her. On visiting the clinic, for the first time, I took a good look at the degree of doctor mentioned below his name. Though I understand full form of only MBBS and MD. Below is the qualification that I observed:

MBBS, MD(Med), MS(Gold Medalist,Germany)

Coincidentally, today my uncle came home to meet my parents who is engineer by profession and is currently working in a big MNC. He handover-ed his visiting card and I took it to jot down his address and contact information in our address book. Here are the things that I noticed again:

B.E.,Mech. (IIT, Delhi), M.S. (Virginiatech, US)

Though virtually there is no difference between above mentioned qualifications but one thing that surprises me is that in case of engineer qualification, there is mention of the college name whereas in the other it's not. Maybe, many of us will say that it can be a coincidence but my question is that

1 ) In India ( I am not sure about other countries) have you ever noticed that any doctor mentions his/her alma mater in his/her qualification? But sure-shot, they will mention about their previous hospitals(esp. government hospitals) where they had worked.

2) Have you ever bothered to ask any doctor about his alma mater? ( I am sure the answer to this will be in negative as until today,I also never bothered to inquire into this)

Don't we take things for granted? I am not against current scene but my point is that we are taught to take things as it is and not question about there existence ( you can check this by applying into any aspect of your life that you think is with you from long time). I am also talking about this because there are so many private institutions in India (from where you can get Medical degree under Management quota or on bribing high officials) that are producing thousands of unqualified doctors every year and in turn these doctors can be one of the culprits to whom you are consulting.


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